

Tried hard to avoid social media but it's been really hard.
Sometimes I'm wondering not noticing is better than knowing, or just believe what you wanna believe. Social media such as Instagram, make me feel like a stalker.
You can see what your friends like, whom they follow, and what they say. 

Maybe it's better not to know what action your friend did on social media.

That's what happened when your friends followed heaps of porn-like Instagram photos and the system will recommend the same fucking photos on your homepage. 
I saw a friend followed an account, which is the kind of cosplayer wearing the porn-like costumes that I really hate. I don't know her but this kind of girls are disgusting. Well, guys love them.

I don't wanna see that anymore but apparently, that is impossible.


有問題的其實是我自己 大概心理有病吧 今天看到了T在追蹤了「美女美容事情💅【ビジョビ】」這個帳號 總而言之就是一堆美女圖的IG,覺得很不爽 然後開始看自己的照片,開始看鏡子, 開始比較自己跟那些修圖修的過度的網美照片 這種感覺就跟14年前時告白被拒絕那時候一樣 ...